


Friendly and convenient
wigs and accessories

HOw we can make it easy for you

Free consultation fitting and advice

Choosing the right product can be tricky, and a little intimidating. That's is why we offer friendly and helpful advice on what wig might suit you and your lifestyle.

Free home visit consultation on request -
subject to availability and location.

We have over 20 years of collective experience in running this wig service in New Zealand, and love helping our customers get a new spring in their step with wigs they can be proud of.

Funding application assistance and submissions.

We have an is extensive knowledge of the health care funding system available to people who live with hair loss conditions, and can make applications for funding easy and stress free.

why come to us

This business has been in the family for twenty years, and we still love serving our customers with kindness and compassion.

We specialise in Jon Renau wigs, based in the United States, we import the wigs directly along with a variety of quality wig care products and accessories.

Jon Renau Wigs

Jon Renau offer the widest range of easy care wigs. Their range of high fashion natural wigs inspire confidence and ease.


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Contact us

Please contact us to book an appointment, located in the Hutt Valley. We can offer a free consultation, and home visits upon request.
We look forward to helping you as best we can.

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